Funded by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) 研究生 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE), the G-RISE program at bet8体育娱乐入口 (ODU) welcomed its inaugural cohort in May 2021. This program is specifically tailored to enhance diversity among 学生 pursuing Ph.D. 在ODU获得各种生物医学研究学科的学位, with the aim of bolstering the representation of underrepresented groups in the biomedical research workforce. By providing opportunities for underrepresented 学生 to contribute to cutting-edge research, the G-RISE program empowers them to shape the future of biomedical research.

Merit-based scholarships are awarded to eligible 学生 as part of the G-RISE program. Participants benefit from a comprehensive array of activities designed to enrich their academic and 专业 journey. 其中包括一个为期六周的暑期博士衔接项目, 在生物技术公司和政府实验室实习, 以及学术和社会研讨会, 所有这些都有助于一个特殊的学习经验.

在ODU, we believe in nurturing diverse talents and fostering a culture where every individual can thrive. 我们对成功的憧憬是无止境的, offering pathways to doctoral degrees in a range of disciplines, 包括 生物科学, 化学 & 生物化学计算机科学, 社区 & 环境卫生, 电 & 计算机工程 (生物医学工程), 医疗诊断 & 转化科学.


G-Rise offers financial, academic, 专业 and career development opportunities. 申请截止日期为12月. 1 下一学年.



ODU的G-RISE项目优先考虑其博士的需求.D. 学生, 提供全面的学术, 专业, and career development opportunities in the biomedical research field. 优势包括:

  • 12个月的津贴起薪为28,224美元
  • 学费减免
  • 健康保险范围
  • 暑期博士衔接项目
  • 支持学术和职业发展
  • 暑期带薪合作或实习机会
  • 参加全国会议的旅费
  • 参与K-12和社区外展活动
  • 参加年度务虚会


G-RISE Scholars embark on their doctoral journey by participating in a compulsory six-week summer doctoral bridge program, 定于六月至七月举行. This program is designed to facilitate a smooth transition into the doctoral degree program, equipping scholars with essential foundational knowledge and research skills. 另外, it fosters the development of support networks and cultivates a robust scholarly community.

The G-RISE program at ODU actively promotes engagement in community outreach and mentoring endeavors throughout the academic year. 这些机会包括:

  • K-12 外展: Scholars are encouraged to participate in outreach activities aimed at local middle and high schools through initiatives like the Hampton Roads - STEM Summer Institute (HR-SSI).
  • 社区 Building: Involvement in local and international aid programs fosters community building and contributes to societal betterment.
  • BiG-RiSE Program: Scholars have the chance to engage with the BiG-RiSE Program, which likely focuses on fostering collaboration and networking among scholars within the program.
  • Panel Discussions: Opportunities to participate in panel discussions with U-RISE undergraduates provide valuable mentoring experiences and facilitate knowledge sharing within the academic community.

年度务虚会是一个统一的活动, bringing together both new G-RISE Scholars who have completed the Summer Bridge Program and more seasoned scholars actively engaged in dissertation projects. Its primary goal is to cultivate a sense of community and camaraderie among scholars, 教师, 和工作人员.


  • Organized Workshops and Panel Discussions: These sessions cover topics such as Diversity in 生物医学 研究 and challenges faced in retaining minority graduate 学生.
  • Annual Review of the G-RISE Program: Scholars can provide feedback and insights on the G-RISE program's effectiveness.
  • 研究 Presentations: Scholars showcase their research projects, 促进合作和知识交流.
  • Excursion Trips: These outings are designed to foster teamwork and strengthen bonds between G-RISE staff, 教师, 和学生, 为一个支持和有凝聚力的社区做出贡献.

G-RISE Scholars embark on their doctoral journey by participating in a compulsory six-week summer doctoral bridge program, 定于六月至七月举行. This program is designed to facilitate a smooth transition into the doctoral degree program, equipping scholars with essential foundational knowledge and research skills. 另外, it fosters the development of support networks and cultivates a robust scholarly community.

The G-RISE program at ODU actively promotes engagement in community outreach and mentoring endeavors throughout the academic year. 这些机会包括:

  • K-12 外展: Scholars are encouraged to participate in outreach activities aimed at local middle and high schools through initiatives like the Hampton Roads - STEM Summer Institute (HR-SSI).
  • 社区 Building: Involvement in local and international aid programs fosters community building and contributes to societal betterment.
  • BiG-RiSE Program: Scholars have the chance to engage with the BiG-RiSE Program, which likely focuses on fostering collaboration and networking among scholars within the program.
  • Panel Discussions: Opportunities to participate in panel discussions with U-RISE undergraduates provide valuable mentoring experiences and facilitate knowledge sharing within the academic community.

年度务虚会是一个统一的活动, bringing together both new G-RISE Scholars who have completed the Summer Bridge Program and more seasoned scholars actively engaged in dissertation projects. Its primary goal is to cultivate a sense of community and camaraderie among scholars, 教师, 和工作人员.


  • Organized Workshops and Panel Discussions: These sessions cover topics such as Diversity in 生物医学 研究 and challenges faced in retaining minority graduate 学生.
  • Annual Review of the G-RISE Program: Scholars can provide feedback and insights on the G-RISE program's effectiveness.
  • 研究 Presentations: Scholars showcase their research projects, 促进合作和知识交流.
  • Excursion Trips: These outings are designed to foster teamwork and strengthen bonds between G-RISE staff, 教师, 和学生, 为一个支持和有凝聚力的社区做出贡献.


ODU的G-RISE项目欢迎来自所有美国学生的申请.S. citizens and permanent residents who are committed to advancing diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. 特别针对那些代表性不足的攻读博士学位的学生.D. 生物医学研究学位, 该项目鼓励来自不同背景的申请者, 包括:

  • 少数民族(包括黑人或非裔美国人), 西班牙裔或拉丁裔, 美国印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民, 夏威夷原住民, 及其他太平洋岛民)
  • 残疾人士

未来的学员必须向其中一名参与的博士申请.D. 项目,并符合以下标准:

  • 平均成绩不低于3分.0
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to pursuing a doctoral degree in biomedical research
  • Show dedication to advancing underrepresented groups in biomedical research
  • 表达对生物医学工作的承诺
  • Successfully complete an interview demonstrating passion for a career in biomedical research
  • 有社区服务的记录

另外, all 学生 must have completed at least general biology or chemistry or be prepared to do so before beginning the summer bridge program. 在他们担任G-RISE研究员期间, 学生不得从事任何其他工作, 无论是在校内还是校外, 或者接受其他联邦政府资助的奖学金.

2024年秋季预览日将作为Zoom活动举行. 申请截止日期为2024年12月1日.

Prospective 学生 interested in applying should complete the following steps:

1. 提交G-RISE补充申请表.

2. Inform Program staff of their intention to apply and the status of their application.

3. Prepare a 2-page letter of intent detailing their research interests, 相关工作经验, 并提议轮换研究.

4. Provide a writing sample, such as a technical report or publication.

5. 确保两封教职员工的支持信.

申请截止日期后, a Selection Review Committee Meeting will convene starting in January 2025.

录取决定将于3月中旬寄出, allowing prospective scholars ample time to plan their academic future.

ODU的G-RISE项目欢迎来自所有美国学生的申请.S. citizens and permanent residents who are committed to advancing diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. 特别针对那些代表性不足的攻读博士学位的学生.D. 生物医学研究学位, 该项目鼓励来自不同背景的申请者, 包括:

  • 少数民族(包括黑人或非裔美国人), 西班牙裔或拉丁裔, 美国印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民, 夏威夷原住民, 及其他太平洋岛民)
  • 残疾人士

未来的学员必须向其中一名参与的博士申请.D. 项目,并符合以下标准:

  • 平均成绩不低于3分.0
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to pursuing a doctoral degree in biomedical research
  • Show dedication to advancing underrepresented groups in biomedical research
  • 表达对生物医学工作的承诺
  • Successfully complete an interview demonstrating passion for a career in biomedical research
  • 有社区服务的记录

另外, all 学生 must have completed at least general biology or chemistry or be prepared to do so before beginning the summer bridge program. 在他们担任G-RISE研究员期间, 学生不得从事任何其他工作, 无论是在校内还是校外, 或者接受其他联邦政府资助的奖学金.

2024年秋季预览日将作为Zoom活动举行. 申请截止日期为2024年12月1日.

Prospective 学生 interested in applying should complete the following steps:

1. 提交G-RISE补充申请表.

2. Inform Program staff of their intention to apply and the status of their application.

3. Prepare a 2-page letter of intent detailing their research interests, 相关工作经验, 并提议轮换研究.

4. Provide a writing sample, such as a technical report or publication.

5. 确保两封教职员工的支持信.

申请截止日期后, a Selection Review Committee Meeting will convene starting in January 2025.

录取决定将于3月中旬寄出, allowing prospective scholars ample time to plan their academic future.



教授 化学 & 生物化学
His area of research revolves around biological and inorganic chemistry, 生物无机化学, 无机反应机理.
目前, 阿尔文夹 is a 教授 in 化学 in the Department of 化学 and 生物化学 at bet8体育娱乐入口… 阅读更多